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Frequently Asked Questions about Fierce Football 7's Passing Tournaments.


You got questions? We got answers. If you don't find your question, send us an email or drop us a call and we'll add it to the list. We're pretty confident that the list below will answer all of your questions, so check it out.


What does it cost?

Are helmets required?

Is tackling allowed?

Why wear helmets?

Can I pay for just my portion?

Will scouts be at the games?

All tournaments cost $1,500 per team. With a minimum of 10 players and maximum of 20, players can expect to pay between $75 to $150 per tournament.

Yes. In order to create the fiercest and most realistic in-game experience, we ask that all players wear full tackle helmets.

No. While we want high-intensity play, we will not allow any tackling whatsoever. Aggressive play, but no tackling.

Playing at optimal speeds means that "thud" contact may happen. Protecting heads and faces of players is crucial.

No. In order to manage teams effectively, one representative from each team must register their players to play. 

We can never ensure that scouts will be in attendance at any event. We will provide all players with all game film.

Can my school have a team?

Yes. Organized teams, leagues, and a group of friends are all welcome to play. We do expect fierce competition, though.

Are there spectators at games?

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies.

When are tournaments?

Can I use my own helmet?

What is unsportsmanlike?

What ages can play?

Can girls play?

Do we pay to be in the National Championship?

Can I sponsor a team or the tournament?

Will you open other tournament cities?

Do spectators pay to attend?

Can we/I play in more than one tournament?

Is there a discount if I reserve more than one tournament?

Please visit our tournaments page to find a tournament near you. Tournaments can be found HERE.

Yes. As long as your helmet meets USA Football standards, it may be used. You can also buy helmets from our partner LIGHT.

Unsportsmanlike conduct is somewhat subjective. We hold all of our players to a very high standard. Disrespect is not tolerated in any way, shape, or form.

We have tournaments for all players ages 11 to 18 years of age. We host tournaments for boys and girls.

Yes. We will hold tournaments for boys and girls. We do not offer coed tournaments at this time.

No. All winners will participate without having to pay a registration fee. Invited teams are free-of-charge, as well.

Yes. We are always open to team or tournament sponsors. Contact us at for more info.

Yes. Our roster of tournaments is growing quickly. If you'd like us to be somewhere else, please let us know!

Yes. Each tournament has a gate fee for spectators. Price varies with each tournament. Usually $7 to $10 per person.

Yes. Each tournament is considered it's own event. Simply register HERE for join us again.

No. Each tournament is considered its own event. Discounts are not available for multiple events.

Want to Play?

If you're up for the intensity of a Fierce Football 7-on-7 Passing Tournament, register now to save your spot. Only 12 teams per age group are available in each tournament.


Don't miss your chance to play with the fiercest competition in the U.S.!





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